
International Seminar on Business Opportunities in Punjab 2017 will be a world-class investment Seminar with a number of premium international financial experts, renowned scholars, and seasoned specialists to edify spectators with up-to-date investment developments in a constantly developing world of FDI.

The International Seminar on Business Opportunities in Punjab 2017 will put light on various potential sectors of Punjab. The focus of the seminar will be on key sectors, and how to attract the right global investment that can be supportive in improving skills and education, transfer competencies and strengthening manpower as well as building infrastructure, innovation systems and contributing effectively to the competitiveness of the host nation.

Top-notch speakersfrom world-class organisations will shed light on the exceptional input of FDI to the competitiveness of host countries. It will explore the special characteristics of foreign firms that enhance the degree to which they are able to contribute to the competitiveness of their host nations. The conference will also look at the implications of such processes.